I finally remembered to bring my camera to the community gardens today and got photos of what could be the last pre-frost day. It was a busy day as many of the gardeners were doing last minute harvesting and soil preparation. The marigolds were also being harvested for the Day of the Dead celebration coming this week.
My broccoli now has small florets. According to my neighbors, I need to fence these soon or the deer will eat them. They already got the red lettuce I had left open which is now growing back.
I harvested a 3rd head of green lettuce (Black-seeded simpson) grown from transplants planted my first week of gardening in September.
I also planted 3 heads of garlic in 2 3x3 plots and sowed winter rye in several fallow areas.
My neighbor gave my parsley and more strawberries to over-winter. It was pretty chilly today!