Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Flex Petz Pet Sharing Service

A somewhat-old post on Treehugger regarding Flex Petz, a "shared ownership" pet club in which members pay a monthly fee in exchange for spending time with club dogs. The fee pays for the medical bills and other costs.
Most treehugger commenters were horrified by this idea, but I've actually thought time-share pets would be a good idea for a while now. If you work full-time, you have 2 choices: No dog, and lonely person; or bored-and-lonely dog with person who has to come home right after work every single day. That second solution doesn't work for me, but I'd like to not forgo dog companionship altogether. Also, my experience as a once-a-week volunteer with the Animal Rescue League of Boston has taught me 1) you can form a meaningful relationship with a dog on a part-time basis and 2) the dog doesn't suffer "emotional distress" from a rotating schedule of caregivers.
So here's to spreading the love to dogs and people.

80% of seafood eaten by Americans is imported (from where?)

Here's a really disturbing article from the NY Times regarding the substandard quality of fish being imported into the U.S. from China. What really gets me is the prevalence of Chinese goods in processed foods. Whose to protect us from imported fish, raised in filthy water and pumped with chemicals, when we have a seafood salad sandwich at lunch? What about fruit juices made primarily with apple juice, that mostly comes from China, too? Labels should list country of origin for each ingredient so that consumers can choose which regulatory environment they want to ingest.

Hartford's Hawks- Red-Tailed Beauties Prospering Throughout City,0,5937792.story

Interesting article in today's Hartford Courant about the resurgence of hawks in the city and efforts by Trinity College to track and study their numbers and habits.

I have seen hawks several times in Hartford, including once when the hawk was sitting by the road ripping apart some unidentified prey in the middle of winter. There was blood all over the snow.